domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2018

Cuentos del Pasado

Goals for Unit:
  • I can describe things that I and others DID IN THE PAST using high frequency vocabulary.
  • I can show that I understand a story in a variety of ways, including: answering questions, summarizing, choosing the correct words to complete the story, choosing the correct pictures when hearing sentences, drawing, acting out the story, and others.

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2018

Mi Rutina de la mañana

Pregunta Esencial (unit packet):

  • How is my morning routine similar and/or different than that of others?

Metas de la unidad:

  • I can communicate about my and someone else's morning routine.
  • I can interpret and show that I understand a morning routine related story in a variety of ways.
  • I can look at someone's schedule and answer questions about their daily routine. 
  • I can interpret (hear) authentic resources (commercials) related to morning routine activities.